Search Results (2)
A private membership club only, home delivered to southern NY (including NYC all 5 boroughs, and LI), NJ, CT, and PA. Raw organic cow and goat milk - grass-fed, A2 type, non-GMO, pastured. Many dairy products like butter, cottage cheese, heavy cream, tvorog, feta, fromage blanc, yogurts, sour cream, cheeses, ghee, half and half, Ryazhenka and Matsoni, etc. Pastured soy-free eggs. Grassfed organic meats like beef, bison, lamb, chicken, duck, goose, turkey. Sausages as well. Wild sustainable caught fish. Raw honey. Fermented vegetables. Maple syrup. Elderberry syrup. Kombucha. Sourdough breads. Local and seasonal fruits, veggies. Flours and grains. Find all of the information on their website listed above. After you register you will be able to place your order. All of the delivery instructions are on their site. See other places where you can find products from this farm.
A private membership club only, with delivery sites in southern NY (including NYC and Long Island), NJ, CT, MD, northern WV, eastern OH, and northern and eastern VA. Free delivery on more than 350 products to any of their delivery sites. To start a new delivery site in your area, call farmer Merv directly. All products are produced in the Weston A. Price traditions, employing practices that are organic, sustainable, humane, and environmentally conscious, and completely free of soy, hormones, GMOs and antibiotics. Their extensive list of products includes: Raw A2 milk from 100 percent grassfed Jersey cows; 12 varieties of raw milk cow cheeses, cottage cheese, yogurt, cream, butter, and kefir, all made with raw A2 milk. Raw goat milk, cheeses, butter, yogurt, kefir, their custom probiotic goat drink, as well as pastured goat meat. Camel milk; sheep milk and cheeses. 100 percent grassfed Devon beef and lamb. Pastured chicken, pork, turkey, and duck. Free range chicken and duck eggs. Nutrient dense bone broth from beef, chicken, turkey, lamb and duck. Crispy nuts; breads, brownies, granola and bars; potato chips; fermented kimchi, sauerkraut; beet kvass, kombucha; cabbage juice tonic, pickles, ginger ale, ketchup, grape cooler, homemade super tonic, beets, ginger carrots, and mayonnaise; raw honey and maple syrup; wild-caught salmon and haddock; raw cow and goat milk ice creams; Green Pasture Blue Ice Oils; homemade goat milk soaps, and much more. They also offer insulated/ice-packed FedEx Ground shipping of their goat/lamb meat and goat dairy products ONLY. To view their entire list of products, ingredients, prices and delivery sites, simply go to their ordering site and click on the Join button to register and to learn more about their food buying club. See other places where you can find products from this farm.