Search Results (3)
Mountain Grove, Missouri 65711
Mixed breeds of Brown Swiss, Holstein, Guernsey, Shorthorn, Jersey. Organic pasture fed. Small amounts of corn, wheat, oats with sea salt, humates, selenium, kelp and minerals. Rotational grazing on diversified pasture. Stock pile in winter. Raw milk with cream that sets 1 inch or more on jug. Raw milk sales, $6 per gallon in your container, picked up at farm. Farm visits welcome with appointment. Call or text to arrange milk pick up. Ask about delivery options. See other places where you can find products from this farm.
Bloomington, Illinois
Facebook: cloverhillfarm1917, blog: Milk from Holstein dairy cows that are raised on pasture and given small amount of feed during milking. Call to set first visit, then each following visit is at your convenience. Jars available. Please see blog for prices and details. One stop shop for milk, eggs in a variety of colors and broilers that are organically raised. Birds are free range. All of their animals are hormone free and all natural. They are state certified. See other places where you can find products from this farm.
Lawndale, North Carolina 28090
NC state certified for the sale of raw cow milk as a pet treat and sold labeled not for human consumption per NC law. Certified organic and 100 percent grassfed milk is handled with care in a Grade A milking facility. The herd is milked twice daily and the milk is filtered and runs through pipes into a refrigerated tank that is kept at 32 degrees. All equipment and pipes are sanitized after every use and the milk is tested monthly for microbes and nutritional content. Milk is sold by the gallon for $8 and half gallon for $4.50 and can be found at the Charlotte Regional Farmer's Market every Saturday from 8am-noon. It can also be purchased directly from the farm, just call or email to set up a time to visit and purchase some nutrient-dense milk. See other places where you can find products from this farm.