Search Results (3)
Alstead, New Hampshire 3602
Pasture-based raw Jersey milk and cream, minimal organic grain. See other places where you can find products from this farm.
Alstead, New Hampshire 03602
Small organic dairy farm milking Jersey cows. Products include raw milk and yogurt. Grass fed and pasture driven.
Chester, Texas 75936
This farm breeds registered Nigerian Dwarfs for show and home dairy. They buy their goats from tested CAE and Johne's-free herds, then dam-raise kids. They vaccinate the kids, but use antibiotics infrequently, and use herbal wormer. They send their goats out on browse when possible, and also feed local hay when available. On the milking stand and in feeders, they feed commercial calf creep feed pellets, and bagged alfalfa hay or pellets during lactation and late pregnancy. They use a deep bedding system that is self-composting and aerated with the help of chickens. Herd is kept small to promote tameness in the does and dam-raised kids. They are moving toward animal power for some of the farm work. They will offer a few herdshare memberships a year. See other places where you can find products from this farm.