Search Results (2)
Port Townsend, Washington 98368
Serves raw Jersey milk by the glass, for cappuccinos and lattes (heated to 115 degrees) and for drip coffee and tea, from Dungeness Valley Creamery . Also serves raw cheddar cheese. See other places where you can find products from this farm.
Leoma, Tennessee 38468
Raw Jersey and Holstein milk cow shares available, boarding and labor fees are around $4/gallon. Non-GMO grain-fed and organic pasture fed. No antibiotics or growth hormones. Strict sanitation practices adhered to. Other dairy products available to cowshare members by request include: cultured butter, buttermilk, greek yogurt, cream cheese, cow milk feta, and semi-hard raw milk cheese aged over 60 days. Located in Lawrence County, TN, about 12 miles north of the Alabama border. Homesteading demonstrations and classes are also offered through the farm. Call for more information. See other places where you can find products from this farm.