Search Results (3)
Canterbury, Connecticut 06331
Pickup sites available; selling raw milk eggs, maple syrup, honey, butter, cream and fresh produce when in season, as well as grass-fed pork, beef, and whole poultry. State licensed raw milk from Jersey cows. Bottled in glass half-gallons and quarts. Call to confirm availability and schedule pick-up time. Closed Thursdays and Sundays. Note: Their raw milk is also sold in most local IGA stores and the Willimantic Food Co-op. EBT is accepted for raw milk in these stores, including for the bottle deposits. See other places where you can find products from this farm.
Jersey milk, sold in the following stores: Chamomille (Danbury), New Morning (Woodbury), The Willimantic Food Co-op (Willimantic), Edge of the Woods (New Haven), Foodworks (Old Saybrook and Guilford), Orchard Hill Market (Branford). No on-farm sales. See other places where you can find products from this farm.
Willimantic, Connecticut 6226
Carries raw milk, delivered weekly. Sells raw cow milk from Baldwin Brook Farm (see Canterbury listing) and raw goat milk from Beltane Farm in Lebanon. Goat milk is seasonal; generally available in the spring, summer, and fall. See other places where you can find products from this farm.