Search Results (1)
Charlotte, Vermont
Jersey cows are mostly grassfed using the Managed Integrated Grazing (MIG) method for sequestering carbon in soils. In the winter they are supplemented with hay and fodder beets grown on the farm. The vision is for the hay to be cut, dried, and stored without the use of fossil fuels. They also have goat milk for sale from a goat who is eating the roughage left in the pasture after the cows have moved on to the next one. $8/gallon for milk, offered in half-gallon jars for which there is a $2 deposit. Windy Corners requires sign up and will provide you with a tour of the milking parlor, which will instruct you where to find the milk and how to indicate the batch that you took the milk from. Samples for each batch are kept in the freezer for 14 days. Open for business 7 am-7 pm. Milking facility tours are always available during business hours. More extensive tours are available through Vermont Farm Tours ( See other places where you can find products from this farm.