Search Results (104)
St. Paul, Oregon 97137
Facebook: Located just half an hour south of Portland, Champoeg Creamery has registered Jerseys and Brown Swiss cows and practices intense rotational grazing with the cows on fresh grass every 24 hours. They supplement with alfalfa and grass hay and less than one percent of their bodyweight in rolled barley. First raw dairy in the nation to be listed by the Raw Milk Institute and test results and farm management plan is available for all to view. Visit website for Farm Store hours to visit with one of the farmers to pick up your raw milk. Tours of the milking parlor hosted monthly for current customers. See other places where you can find products from this farm.
Atkinson, Nebraska 68713
Completely grassfed dairy and beef. They milk their Jersey, Ayrshire, Holstein, and Guernsey cows year-round. Raw milk, cream, ghee, and butter for sale at the ranch. Eggs from free-range chickens. The Gotschall family has been in the cattle business for over 70 years and milking cows since 1986. The land and cattle herd have been Certified Organic by Midwest Organic Services Association (MOSA) since 2001. See other places where you can find products from this farm.
Colville, Washington 99114
Douglas Falls Creamery has been a licensed raw dairy in NE Washington since 2012. They offer raw Jersey cow milk (year-round) and Alpine goat milk (seasonally) on their small family farm. Milking 2-5 cows and around 6 goats, milk is currently available by the half-gallon for $4 in a self-serve fridge. Located just 5 miles outside Colville, they also raise their own hay and are open for tours by appointment. See other places where you can find products from this farm.
Booneville, Kentucky 41314
Crafted by Lindberg offers raw milk dairy through a herd share program. In short, you own part of the herd and pay a monthly boarding fee for the feeding, care, and milking of the cows; you are thus entitled to their milk.
Bristow, Oklahoma 74010
They have one endangered dairy breed of dairy cows, Dutch Belted (Lakenvelder) and a new breed for the USA, Viking Red (Danish Red) which comes from Denmark. Both breeds excel in grass-based milk production. They also have Guernsey and Normande cows. They breed for A2/A2 beta casein and test for diseases. They have 160 acres and pasture cows full time. They raise replacement cows using nurse cows and feed very little grain, focusing on good grazing and healthy pastures. They have a small herd to tailor to cattle's individual needs. Fresh whole raw milk available for sale year-round, $4/gallon. Please call ahead to reserve and schedule pickup time. They do sell family milk cows, trained, gentle and suitable to be a family cow, please ask if you or someone you know is considering owning their own family milk cow. They consider their cows part of the family and we stay connected after the sale. Also for sale: Small milking systems matched to your cow and your needs. See other places where you can find products from this farm.
Farmington, Missouri 63640
Raw milk available year round. Cows are machine milked. The milk is tested, double filtered (while milking and again for storage), and bottled/tank refrigerated immediately after milking. You may visit the farm to watch the process if you like. Cows are not given antibiotics or hormones. Most of the milk is A2/A2 and the farm is working toward 100% A2/A2.
The farm is a past commercial dairy with a commercial refrigerated tank. Thus they can also offer bulk quantities with appropriate containers and prior notice. When they have surplus milk and by giving them ample warning, you may be able to indulge in adventures in making cheese, ice cream, butter, and/or yogurt. Or become a weekly/bi-weekly or monthly customer via subscription (preferred) for reserved milk. Milk is sold in your supplied container (the farm does try to keep jars on hand for sale), then switched out (after thorough cleaning), then returned with your name on it.
Current prices are $7/gallon or $3.50/half-gallon for cow's milk. Quantity discount available for cheesemaking or milk projects (with provided food-safe 5-gallon bucket).
Farm is right off of Highway 67, behind Mineral Area College a couple of miles.
To contact them, call (in this order...they work too) 573-760-6701 or 314-803-3063. If no answer, leave a message and then please be patient, or call back if you don't hear from them. The farmers both work full-time jobs.
Farmer's statement: "We understand all aspects of healthy cows. Our family has four generations of experience. If you are unsure, please do your research and then feel free to come and see how it's done. You should always go and see the process from any dairy that you choose for raw milk. There should be nothing to hide."
Emory, Texas 75440
CT Ranch is a family-run, micro-dairy providing A2 raw milk and dairy products from Brown Swiss cows, since 2014. The cows are rotationally grazed on pasture all day and given grass hay, as needed. They are given small amounts of grain and minerals during milking. All cows are fully tested.
This farm is also unique as a cow-calf share dairy. They do not separate calves from their mothers at birth but rather raise them together until weaning. This reduces stress on both the cow and the calf.
In addition to raw A2 milk, they also offer raw A2 cream, raw A2 butter, raw A2 yogurt, A2 kefir, and raw A2 cheeses. They also have chicken and duck eggs, grass-fed or grain-finished beef, pastured milk-fed pork, pastured chickens, raw honey and baked goods. They do have a variety of other local artisan products available such as goat milk soaps, locally made candles, and ancient grain flours.
Products are available to farm members only. You can sign up for a membership ($20, one-time) on their website, or at the farm.
All farm products can be ordered directly through their website or from the farm during open farm store hours. The farm store is open for pickup Thursday, Friday and Saturday from 10am-6pm. They also offer delivery to select locations throughout North and Northeast Texas on certain days and times. Please contact them directly to inquire about delivery options.
The farm store is located just south of Emory, right off Hwy 19.
Email Andria Perkins for more information at If you do not use email you may call the farmer at 937-581-3404, but please note that they use a phone shed so let the phone ring a long time (and try again as necessary). Other possible pickup groups to be arranged could include Troy, Sidney, Bellefountaine, Lima, Piqua, Springfield, Findlay, Marion, and Marysville depending on demand so let them know of your interest. Currently milking Holsteins. They grow their own feed and use natural practices as much as possible. Cows graze grass and eat hay and a small amount of grain. Future cows may include Jerseys. Milk may be picked up at the farm in plastic jugs or you may bring your own glass containers if you prefer. Cow herdshare buy-in prices are $25 and goat buy-in prices are $15. Monthly boarding fees are $17. See other places where you can find products from this farm.
Venice, Florida 34285
Detwiler's Farm Market offers 100% grass-fed raw dairy products from Alday Farm. Jersey cows, never fed grain, offered alfalfa pellets at milking, free-choice minerals. In winter, straight free-choice molasses licks and hay from the farm. Alday products include fluid milk, cream, butter, cottage cheese, yogurt, kefir, and some fresh cheeses at various locations.
See other places where you can find products from Alday farm
Donalds, South Carolina 29638
This farm milks one A2/A2 Jersey cow. She is 100% grassfed. No grain. Limited supply available; inquire or see their website.
Other products may be available in the farm store. See website for latest.
Farmer's statement: "Lissa calved several weeks ago and now is providing delicious milk. Our sole purpose for having a milk cow is to ensure raw, 100% grass fed A2/A2 Jersey milk to our friends and family. We feed absolutely zero grain; even at milking our cow eats hay. We feed everyone else on this farm 100% organically. So if she even got into anyone else's feed it is 100% organic with zero pesticides or chemicals. We feed all of our chickens corn-free, soy-free feed from New Country Organics."