How One Weston Price Chapter Leader Made an Impact
June 6, 2024Nevada: How the De Facto Ban Works
August 6, 2024June 13, 2024
On June 6, the FDA wrote to all state public health and agriculture agencies advising them on the need to “collectively work to address new developments related to the presence of High Pathogenic Avian Influenza A H5N1 (HPAI H5N1) in dairy cattle.”
Although admitting that “. . . we do not know at this time if the HPAI H5N1 virus can be transmitted to humans through consumption of raw milk and products made from raw milk from infected cows,” the agency recommends that health and agriculture departments “Distribute messaging to the public about the health risks of consuming raw milk and raw milk products” and “[i]mplement a surveillance testing program in your state to identify the presence of HPAI H5N1 virus in dairy herds that might be engaged in producing raw milk for intrastate sale.” The FDA and USDA will provide “technical assistance” in sampling and testing.
Their motive is clearly stated: “For states that permit the sale of raw milk within their state, use regulatory authorities or implement other measures, as appropriate, to stop the sale of raw milk that may present a risk to consumers.”
We can assume from this memo that raw milk farmers will be receiving visits from officials wanting to test their milk for a non-existent virus using a bogus testing method, just as they have done for flocks of chickens.
Fortunately, some chicken farmers have avoided this testing and prevented the slaughter of their animals by insisting that inspectors fill out two questionnaires.
- Inspector Information form to obtain the names and contact information of those visiting their farm (below).
- Questionnaire for Inspector, which asks for proof of successful isolation of the bird flu virus, proof of contagious nature of the bird flu virus, type of test that will be used and contact information of the lab that will be doing the testing (below).
Obviously, no inspector will be able to provide the information requested on the form, information that is the farmer’s right to have. The hope is that they will leave and never come back–as they have with astute chicken farmers.
ACTION TO TAKE: Please share these forms with your raw milk producer. We hope that these measures will prevent the FDA’s planned shutdown of raw milk farmers.
Sincerely yours,
Sally Fallon Morell, President
The Weston A. Price Foundation
Please write legibly
BADGE NUMBER:_________________________________________________
OFFICE PHONE:__________________________________________________
CELL PHONE:_____________________________________________________
DIRECT EMAIL:__________________________________________________
OFFICE ADDRESS:________________________________________________
PURPOSE OF VISIT:________________________________________________
TYPE OF SAMPLE REQUESTED:_____________________________________
WHAT WILL THE SAMPLE BE TESTED FOR?__________________________
NAME OF SUPERIOR:______________________________________________
PHONE OF SUPERIOR:_____________________________________________
EMAIL OF SUPERIOR:_____________________________________________
All items must be answered before the release of any sample
Type of sample requested:
What will sample be tested for?
Regulation that allows the taking of this sample:
If sampling for a virus:
1. Supply peer-reviewed study showing the appropriate isolation, purification, characterization and genetic sequencing of purported virus you will be testing for;
2. Supply valid, rigorous, repeatable scientific evidence showing that (under conditions that actually occur in nature and/or on farms) it is transmissible to other animals;
3. Supply valid, peer-reviewed studies showing that the virus causes the illness/symptoms it is purported to cause, and that the illness/symptoms are contagious.
Type of test to be used:
Whole Genome Sequencing (WGS) __________
Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) ___________
If PCR, how many cycles? ____________
Other (please specify): _______________________________________
For each type of test that you propose to administer, cite or supply valid studies showing that it has been validated for detecting the purported virus (not simply a target sequence, protein or antibody) in the same context that you propose to apply the test:
For each type of test that you propose to administer, supply the following:
Sensitivity: ___________________________________________
Specificity: ___________________________________________
Positive predictive value: _______________________________
Negative predictive value:________________________________
Name of Lab doing the testing:_______________________________________
Address of Lab____________________________________________________
Phone number of Lab:_____________________________________________
Email of Lab:_____________________________________________________
I certify that the information given in this form or attached to this form is accurate and true: