Alvin Schlangen Rally, Minnesota
December 27, 2012FTCLDF Launch
December 27, 2012
Doug Miller-Fleig feeds son Soren, 10 months, some raw cheese at their home in San Francisco. Photo by Doug Miller-Fleig, 2012.

August 3. 2010, Bar, Montenegro: My daughter (2 years, 9 months) gets her daily dose of fresh raw (unpasteurized, non-homogenized) goat milk while the family was visiting my native Montenegro. The sale of raw milk is fully legal there (though the public is told to always boil it) and we got it moments after milking. One of my mother’s neighbors has four goats and another has a cow.–Luiza Zlatovic, Vancouver. Photo by Luiza Zlatovic Photography, British Columbia, Canada, 2010.

Daughter Ariella sitting on her “cow hide” chair, with her raw milk “mustache”–more like a beard! Photo by Suzanne Gross

A daring girl from Mrs. Wall’s first grade, Strong School, Beloit, Wisconsin, on a school visit to Dougan Dairy, May, 1954 –but Ron Dougan never erred in his aim! From The Round Barn, (, a family dairy farm in Wisconsin operating between 1900-1970. Photo submitted by Megan Ryan.