Search Results (1)
Albion, Nebraska 68620
Facebook: texleyfarmfresh. Texley Sustainable Agriculture offers raw milk from a small dairy herd of Brown Swiss and Jersey Cows. During the grazing season the cows are grazed rotationally on pasture, and fed a basic grain ration at each milking that is milled on the farm. In the winter the dairy cows are managed on deep bedding and fed alfalfa, and are brought into the barn only when needed during inclement weather. Milk is available for purchase by appointment, however most supporters of the farm receive raw milk through a seasonal herdshare. A herdshare can be purchased for $40 and entitles each herdshare holder to receive 2 gallons of milk per week for an entire milking season. On a monthly basis, a fee is paid to the farm in proportion to the amount of milk received, the fee is equitable to $5/half gallon. (Example: for $20/month a herdshare holder receives a ½ gallon per week.) Raw milk pick-up is every Wednesday night at The Stirred Pot, a local café in Albion, at 5:30pm. At this pick-up location, you can also purchase eggs, chicken, seasonal produce, and place orders for pork and beef. On occasion products from other producers will also be available. If you are interested in receiving Raw Milk through a herdshare but live in a different community, you are encouraged to organize multiple households that are interested in using raw milk and set up your own raw milk pick-up. The milk will be bottled and ready for you on the farm, and it is up to you to distribute it to the herdshare members of your community. Compensation for your time, travel, and labor, is between you and the herdshare collective in your community. Please contact the farm if you want to set up a raw milk pick-up location. Texley Sustainable Agriculture also offers pasture raised chicken, pasture-raised and milk-fed pork, holiday turkeys, and grassfed beef. See other places where you can find products from this farm.