Type of location
Portage County/Deerfield: Don and Adriann Sampson have herd shares available from a pasture-based mixed herd of Jersey, Holstein, and Ayrshire cows. As the weather permits, the cows are rotationally grazed, with a small amount of supplemental grain given in the barn at milking time. They are fed forages and ensilage (all home grown) to complement the grass season. Health and cleanliness is a top priority. Herd tested free of brucellosis, tuberculosis, and Johne’s. $35 buy-in per share (refundable) and $25/month boarding fee. Whole and half shares are available year round. Visitors always welcome with an appointment, and samples are available. Member of Farm-to-Consumer Legal Defense Fund. E-mail Adriann.Sampson at yahoo dot com