Small family farm has 15-20, 100 percent grassfed Jersey cows (with no plans to get bigger). In 2019, they reached their goal of having all of the cows be A2/A2. Cows get zero grain. No GMOs, antibiotics, hormones, herbicides, or chemical fertilizers. Rotationally grazed, cows are moved 2-3x/day and eat hay in the winter. Other supplements include Redmond's Real Salt, organic kelp, Agri-Dynamics minerals, raw apple cider vinegar, and organic molasses. Most of the raw milk is made into truly raw cheese May- early Nov. (only heated to 95-102 degrees F.) Cheese is aged at least 60 days before selling. Raw milk is available year-round directly off the farm to customers with their own containers. Other farm products include pastured eggs, whey-fed pork, pasture-raised broilers and 100 percent grassfed beef. Chickens and pigs get transitional organic grains and no soy. Call or email for availability. See other places where you can find products from this farm.
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