Facebook: hammertimehollow. HammerTime Hollow is a small family run farm in Town n Country raising dairy cattle and New Zealand rabbits for show and consumption. Just 10 minutes from Tampa airport. Milk and other dairy products come from predominantly registered Jersey cows. Cows are fed a dairy ration (grain) twice a day, perennial peanut hay, and have free access to Tifton hay and eight acres of pasture and wetlands. Due to the cattle also being 4-H projects and thus traveling at times, they are vet checked twice a year and given annual vaccinations. Products include fluid milk in quarts, half gallons and gallons, cream, butter, farmhouse cheese, whey, and buttermilk. Products other than fluid milk are available on a limited basis. $10/gallon, $6/half gallon, and $4/quart. Milk can also be put into glass jars upon request for a small initial deposit. Their milk can be found in multiple locations around the Tampa Bay area. For the most current list of locations, visit their website or Facebook page. Call, text, or email to arrange pickup from the farm. Per Florida law, all raw milk products must be labeled For Pet Consumption Only. Please refrain from discussing personal usage to not jeopardize their license. FDACS Registration #: Z004399 See other places where you can find products from this farm.
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