Raw goat milk for pet consumption. Goatshares. Goat milk fudge, kefir, fresh Chevre cheese for pets. Goat kids for sale Nubian, Mini Nubian, Mini Toggenburg, Nigerian Dwarf, Boer-crosses, NuMancha, and Nigora. NOTE FROM THE FARMER: She has been experiencing some health issues and is interested in offering a barter deal: If someone can do the milking, plus help clean the milking equipment (she has a milking machine) they can have half the milk harvest. Need maybe 2 - 5 people or more. Just enough so at least one person can milk once a day, everyday. If you milk whole herd, we should get at least six or more gallons a day. The person needs to bring their own containers and an ice-filled cooler for their half of the milk. See other places where you can find products from this farm.
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