Grassfed, raw milk herdshares. This family farm has tested A2/A2 cow milk from sanitary milking and storage environments, using sustainable farm practices. No antibiotics, hormones, GMO grain, or chemical wormers ever used. All natural and organic products used on cows; and hay is grown organically by the owners. Cows graze in rotations on irrigated pasture. Each share costs $40/month for boarding fee, which entitles shareholders to one gallon of cream-line milk weekly. Milk is available year-round with easy self-serve pick up at the farm. Delivery routes are possible. They also offer grassfed beef, milk-fed pork, and in-season garden vegetables and fruit. Member WAPF, FTCLDF, registered with Colorado's Dept. of Public Health & Environment, milk is tested by TDA Lab regularly. Call for farm tour and tasting. See other places where you can find products from this farm.
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