Facebook: mistybrookorganicfarm. Jersey cows and Friesian sheep, the cow herd has been Certified Organic and 100 percent grassfed since 2005 and the sheep flock is grassfed with only a taste of home grown organic oats during milking. Both the cows and the sheep are rotationally grazed in the growing season and fed hay in the winter months. The farm has been breeding with only A2 bulls since 2009. Organic raw cow milk, half and half, cream, and gouda cheese. Pure raw sheep milk and gouda cheese. Raw cow milk $4.50/half gallon and raw sheep milk $10/half gallon at the farm. Farm store is on the honor system and is open every day of the year. Weekly deliveries to all the health food stores in Maine. See other places where you can find products from this farm.
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