Miles of
Type of location
Street Address
Château des Mottes
Frasnes-lez-Buissenal 7911
Phone Number

Raw donkey milk is going great guns in France and Belgium. Marie Tack in Belgium sells donkey milk that meets European bacteriological standards. Donkey milk is the closest milk to human breast milk and is ideal for feeding infants. Donkeys don’t carry bovine diseases. See other places where you can find products from this farm.

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Street Address

One can buy raw milk at their farm store. See other places where you can find products from this farm.

Type of location
Farm Name
Street Address
20268 Altzo
País Vasco
Phone Number
943 691 460

Organic raw cow milk, not sure how they sell their products. See other places where you can find products from this farm.

Type of location
Farm Name
Street Address
La Grande Nillière
Maulevrier 49360

pastured Jersey cow raw milk, sheep and goat raw milks and other dairy products, certified organic, sold in health food stores nationwide all year long. Farm is located at La Grande Nillière 49360 Maulévrier. See other places where you can find products from this farm.

Type of location
Farm Name
Street Address
Via Santellone, 37
Phone Number

Bevilatte Consorzio Produttori latte crudo. Farmer’s organization from Lombardia (Italy). (dott. Fausto Cavalli). latte crudo (realmilk) See other places where you can find products from this farm.

Type of location
Farm Name
Street Address
Via Aurelia 2449
Rome 50
Phone Number
(+39) 3358214275

Near Fiumicino International Airport. This organic farm milks about 50 Holsteins and 12 Jerseys. See other places where you can find products from this farm.

Type of location
Farm Name
Street Address
Nördliche Ringstraße 91
Göppingen 73033
Phone Number
(+49) 6131 239 79 0

Organic raw milk (and/or other organic products) are available from one of the numerous farms across Germany belonging to the Bioland “group.” Bioland is a reputable brand name that promotes organic agriculture. Call your local chapter for a list of Bioland farms in your area. Interested Germans can contact the headquarters: Bioland-Bundesverband, Bundesgeschäftsstelle, Nördliche Ringstraße 91, 73033 Göppingen, to receive a list of farms in their area. The list indicates which farms sell which products, including raw milk. One can also look it up in the internet. See other places where you can find products from this farm.

Type of location
Street Address
Víceměřice 185
Víceměřice 798 26
Czech Republic
Phone Number

Small family farm with Jersey cows, producing raw A2 protein milk, cheese, cottage cheese, etc.

Type of location
Farm Name
Street Address
Bruderholzstrasse 160, 4104 Oberwil

Wir sind ein Biohof nahe an der Stadt Basel in Oberwil. Auf dem Hof wird eine ökologische, tierfreundliche und kreislauforientierte Landwirtschaft betrieben. Unsere Kühe dürfen wärend der Vegetationszeit Tag und Nacht auf die Weide und kommen nur zum melken in den Stall. Im Winter leben sie in einem geräumigen Laufstall mit einer weichen Liegematratze aus Stroh und einer Kratzbürste für die Körperpflege. Besonders ist, wir lassen unseren Kühe ihre Hörner und ermöglichen so ein normales Sozialverhalten gegenüber ihren Artgenossen. Auch für die Kälber haben wir eine tierfreundliche Lösung gefunden, so leben sie in Gruppen und können 2 Mal pro Tag bei ihren Müttern oder Ammen Milch trinken.
Falls Sie nun Interesse an der Rohmilch von unseren Kühe haben, beziehen können sie sie bei uns im Hofladen oder in ausgewählten Bio- oder Regioläden in Basel.

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Street Address
Phone Number

Raw, organic milk from 40 donkeys. The donkeys belong to a specific Sicilian race (ragusana). See other places where you can find products from this farm.