North Platte, Nebraska 69101
Selling A2/A2 raw milk to customers since 2020.
This family farm has milked Guernsey, Jersey, and Holstein cows since the 1950s. The cows are pastured when possible and get a hay, grain, and silage mixture. They sell on-farm raw milk and cream; you provide your own containers. Please note that they also sell pasteurized products like cheeses and ice cream in the on-farm store.
Culbertson, Nebraska 69024
Currently offering fresh raw goat milk and eggs.
Omaha, Nebraska 68142
For sale: Raw milk and cream from Holstein cows. Farm fresh eggs when available. See other places where you can find products from this farm.
Morrill, Nebraska 69358
Farm Hours:
Saturday 10-12
Will take appointments outside of farm hours, please call or text.
All Jersey cows. Disease-free herd. Milk year round.
The farm prefers to sell monthly milk subscriptions but does sell milk outside of the subscription when they have extra available.
Test our milk several times per week for SPC & CC
Spalding, Nebraska 68665
They offer raw milk from their 100% grass-fed dairy herd consisting mainly of Jersey & Guernsey breeds. They also have cheese, butter, and occasional ice cream made in their state-inspected processing facilities on the farm. Along with their dairy they also have a 100% grass-fed beef herd, soy-free pork, and organically raised vegetables. They also have a coop out of the Omaha area that runs May-November for another option to get their raw milk.
Atkinson, Nebraska 68713
Completely grassfed dairy and beef. They milk their Jersey, Ayrshire, Holstein, and Guernsey cows year-round. Raw milk, cream, ghee, and butter for sale at the ranch. Eggs from free-range chickens. The Gotschall family has been in the cattle business for over 70 years and milking cows since 1986. The land and cattle herd have been Certified Organic by Midwest Organic Services Association (MOSA) since 2001. See other places where you can find products from this farm.
Grassfed Guernsey cows and free-range chickens See other places where you can find products from this farm.
Hayes Center, Nebraska 69032
Show livestock, pigs and goats, with the ability to provide raw goat milk.
Scotia, Nebraska 68875
A2/A2 milk from grass-fed Jerseys. Call or message for availability, or to be added to the weekly milk list. Farm pickup only.
Message them if you'd like more info on their cow care and milk handling.