Miles of
Type of location
Farm Name
Street Address
Riverhead, New York 11901
Phone Number

NY state permit to sell raw milk from grassfed Jersey cows. Milk is available in half-gallon glass bottles year-round. Cows graze outside April-November. See other places where you can find products from this farm.

Type of location
Street Address
357 County Route 12
Hudson, New York 12534
Phone Number

Churchtown Dairy is a biodynamic raw-milk dairy farm. Their herd is comprised of Brown Swiss and Jersey cows. Their store is open 24/7, and milk sells for $3/quart or $6/half-gallon, plus a $2 bottle deposit on the honor system. All milk is sold in glass bottles. They also sell ground beef and expect to have cheese, pork and veal available starting in the fall of 2018. Email for a tour or for further information. See other places where you can find products from this farm.

Type of location
Street Address
Manhattan, New York 10026
Phone Number

A small Amish family farm in Lancaster County, Pennsylvania, that has multiple pick-up locations in Bronxville, Harlem, West Village, Maspeth, and Brighton Beach. All the products are free of chemicals, soy, antibiotics, and hormones. Almost all food is directly from the farm.

They sell:

  • 100% raw A2 cow's milk from Jersey cows
  • 15 different kinds of cheese
  • Butter, yogurt, kefir, and cream
  • Raw goat's milk
  • Soy-free pastured eggs (brown and blue-green)
  • 100% grass-fed and grass-finished beef and lamb
  • Pastured pork
  • Turkey and soy-free chicken
  • Salmon

See other places where you can find products from this farm.

Type of location
Street Address
29415 Fults Rd
Evans Mills, New York 13637
Phone Number

They milk approximately 60 Holstein cows and sell most of their milk in bulk but also have a small farm store where they sell their raw milk.

Type of location
Street Address
2213 State Route 230
Dundee, New York 14837
Phone Number
(607) 243-9668

Crystal Valley Creamery is a small, family run organic dairy farm that is licensed for raw milk sales, but sells both raw and pasteurized milk on site so be sure to ask for the raw. Their cows are 100% grass-fed and organic. The farm focuses on rotational grazing, soil management, animal husbandry, and nutrition. All their milk is full-fat, nothing has been taken away.

Type of location
Street Address
93 Diehl Road
Callicoon, New York 12723
Phone Number
(845) 482-5047

This dairy farm is licensed to sell raw milk. They also produce maple syrup and pure maple products, honey, eggs, organic chicken, hard-neck garlic, and vegetables. Farmer's statement: "Visit our beautiful dairy farm. A family tradition of bringing you nature's best!"

Type of location
Street Address
1345 Shandelee Rd.
Livingston Manor, New York 12758
Phone Number

Licensed to sell raw milk on the farm. No growth hormones, RBST, antibiotics, or pesticides used. Milk is sold Wednesday/Saturday or by pre-arrangement. A limited number of brown eggs also for sale. See other places where you can find products from this farm.

Type of location
Street Address
New York City, New York
Phone Number

`A third-generation dairy that has six different drop sites in Manhattan and Brooklyn including Bay Ridge, Ridgewood, Chelsea, and Washington Heights. They deliver a large variety of grassfed meats and dairy products including 100 percent grassfed beef and lamb, pastured, soy-free, GMO-free pork, chicken, turkey, bison. They also sell raw milk and dairy products from their herd of Certified Organic, 100 percent grassfed Dutch Belt cows. Visit their website to order online and view hundreds of farm fresh products. Call or email them with any questions. Ask to speak to the farmers, Dave or Ray. See other places where you can find products from this farm.

Type of location
Farm Name
Street Address
327 Walker Road
Essex, New York 12936
Phone Number

They sell raw milk seasonally, along with other selected farm raised products - meat, eggs, vegetables - in their farm store.

Farmer statement: "Located in Essex, NY, our diversified farm encompasses nearly 170 acres of tillable and forested land that was acquired through conservation partnerships and a 75 acre lease of the Sayre Family Farm. Nestled between Sprig and Whipple Mountains, Echo Farm originated as a diversified homestead and dairy operation, and has earned its name from the distantly reverberating sounds of life on the farm.

"Regardless of the diversity of crops, our practices remain consistent with the philosophies and values of organic and sustainable small-scale farming. Our cows are born and bred here on the farm with access to grass year round. Our pigs & chickens are fed a custom organic multigrain mix and have consistent access to pasture three seasons of the year. Many of our livestock come from heritage breeds. We never use chemical fertilizers, synthetic pesticides or antibiotics in producing any of the food."

Type of location
Farm Name
Street Address
7402 Carney Hollow Rd.
Springwater, New York 14560
Phone Number

Organic raw milk from a small family owned dairy. Jersey cows, so lots of cream. $4/half gallon. Exchange half gallon jars or bring your own containers. Pick up outside the barn at your own convenience. Text to put in order.