Smithfield, Kentucky
A small, diverse farm, they have 100% grassfed Jersey cows. Milk, yogurt and kefir are available in glass jars through a herdhare program with on-farm pickup. Mama cows raise their own babies, and all efforts are toward the goal of a low-stress environment while being rotated daily through organically-maintained pastures. No hormones or antibiotics are used and cows are not fed any grain. The farm also hosts monthly potlucks that are open to the community! If interested in accessing raw milk, please use the form on the farm website to sign up on the wait list. See other places where you can find products from this farm.
Lexington, South Carolina
Whole, raw milk from Butter Patch Jerseys. See other places where you can find products from this farm.
Raw milk from grassfed Jersey cows. At milking they are given 100 percent organic, non-GMO, soy-free grain.
Farmer's statement: "Our small homestead is proud to offer quality Jersey raw milk. We pride ourselves on quality, cleanliness, and most importantly a faith-based operation. Our cattle are very well taken care of and petted daily by our kids and clients. We feed 100 percent organic, non-GMO, and non-soy grain when milking. Cattle are rotationally grazed on natural grass without fertilizer or chemicals."
Atlanta, Missouri 63530
A2/A2 milk from Jersey cows raised on pasture and receiving a small amount of organic grain, less than 1 percent of their body weight.
Farmer statement: "We offer a share program so you are guaranteed the amount of milk you want each week.
A share = 1 gallon of milk
Pick up at the farm once a week.
Call or email with any questions."
Saucier, Mississippi
Fresh or frozen raw goat milk available most of the year from CAE-free herd (tested annually) of Nubian goats. All milk must be picked up at farm. They also have geese and game chickens. Call ahead. See other places where you can find products from this farm.
Saucier, Mississippi 39574
Nubian goats, mixed chickens
Zero grain, lab tested daily, cream top, whole A2/A2 raw cow milk. Weekly pick up in Monahans or weekly delivery to Midland/Odessa.
Zero grain, lab tested daily, cream top, whole A2/A2 raw cow milk. Weekly pick up in Monahans or weekly delivery to Midland/Odessa.
Goliad, Texas 77963
Licensed Grade A cow dairy