Cow-Share Programs Under Scrutiny in Australia
November 25, 2013Farmers Experiment with Milk Treated with UV Light Instead of Pasteurization
November 29, 2013The town of Foxborough, MA is considering new regulations that would limit the bacteria count of raw milk to a more stringent level than current state regulation. The state does allow “local boards of health to ‘adopt bacterial standards for milk which are numerically less but not greater than state standards,’” but one family-owned farm is fighting back.
Lawton’s Family Farm, which milks 24 cows and sells raw milk and cheeses, believes the proposed regulations are unnecessary and could put them out of business – which would be a tragedy, because Lawton’s has been passed down through generations since 1732. Lawton’s is a Massachusetts Century Farm (recognized by the MA Farm Bureau for remaining in the same family for 100 years or more and still being farmed) and a Massachusetts Dairy Farm of Distinction (recognized by the MA Farm Bureau for adding scenic beauty to the state).
Lawton’s Family Farm is asking for help from their customers and other concerned citizens who believe in consumer choice:
“Our health agent is very anti-raw milk and vows to get rid of your choice by making these regulations so extreme as to be difficult to maintain and sell. Some of the rules would allow them to collect your names for a ‘recall’ purpose but more importantly the ability for them to stop milk sales for up to a month at a time. Please take the time to send emails…Please be sure to send us copies as we do not trust our agent to pass them along to her board members.”
Pauline Clifford, town Health Agent:
For those in the Foxborough area, there will be a public hearing on Monday, November 25, 2013. Concerned residents who wish to speak or to lend support with their presence are asked to attend.
Monday, November 25, 2013 7:45pm
Public Safety Building, McGinty Room
8 Chestnut Street Foxboro, MA
The proposed regulations can be read in full here.
The blog is a nutrition education project of the Weston A. Price Foundation. If you have a real milk story to tell, please contact us by email: press (at) westonaprice (dot) org.