Search Results (8)
Milaca, Minnesota 56353
This small family dairy has six A2/A2 Jerseys cows. They are fed ground oats, molasses, minerals, apple cider vinegar, grass/alfalfa hay, and grass pasture in the summer.
The farm also has cream, eggs, whole frozen chicken, and triple strength vanilla available.
Text or call for milk and cream scheduling.
Milk, cream, and butter from jersey cows. Available year-round due to staggered breeding. Email for more information:
Currently operating with a Grade A Raw for Retail Milk License, Permit #481915. They sell raw milk from their herd of registered Jersey cattle. No hormones or antibiotics used. See other places where you can find products from this farm.
Long Island, Virginia 24569
At the onset, the shareholder signs the herd share agreement and pays a one-time, refundable $30 for one herdshare purchase. One full share will provide the Shareholder with 1 gallon of raw Jersey cow's milk on a weekly basis. (1/2 shares are also available which would give the shareholder 1 gallon of milk every other week.)
The farm does all the hard work--milking, grazing, doctoring, etc.--for a boarding fee of $40 per month. (1/2 share members pay $20 per month.) If you pick up your milk at either the Poplar Forest nursery or Marsh Roots Seafood Co., there is also a $3 per gallon delivery fee.
Once your herd share agreement is signed and your purchase into the herd share is made, you will be charged $40 on the first of each month.
You can cancel at any time and your monthly boarding fee will be prorated.
Forest, Virginia 24551
At the onset, the shareholder signs the herd share agreement and pays a one-time, refundable $30 for one herdshare purchase. One full share will provide the Shareholder with 1 gallon of raw Jersey cow's milk on a weekly basis. (1/2 shares are also available which would give the shareholder 1 gallon of milk every other week.)
The farm offers a boarding fee of $40 per month. (1/2 share members pay $20 per month.) If you pick up your milk at either the Poplar Forest nursery or Marsh Roots Seafood Co., there is also a $3 per gallon delivery fee.
Once your herdshare agreement is signed and your purchase into the herd share is made, you will be charged $40 on the first of each month.
You can cancel at any time and your monthly boarding fee will be prorated.
Lynchburg, Virginia 24503
At the onset, the shareholder signs the herd share agreement and pays a one-time, refundable $30 for one herdshare purchase. One full share will provide the shareholder with one gallon of raw Jersey cow milk on a weekly basis. (half shares are also available, which would give the shareholder 1 gallon of milk every other week.)
The farm requests a boarding fee of $40 per month. (half share members pay $20 per month.) If you pick up your milk at either the Poplar Forest nursery or Marsh Roots Seafood Co., there is also a $3 per gallon delivery fee.
Once your herdshare agreement is signed and your purchase into the herdshare is made, you will be charged $40 on the first of each month.
You can cancel at any time, and your monthly boarding fee will be prorated.
Appomattox, Virginia 24522
At the onset, the shareholder signs the herd share agreement and pays a one-time, refundable $30 for one herdshare purchase. One full share will provide the shareholder with one gallon of raw Jersey cow milk on a weekly basis. (half shares are also available, which would give the shareholder 1 gallon of milk every other week.)
The farm requests a boarding fee of $40 per month. (half share members pay $20 per month.) If you pick up your milk at either the Poplar Forest nursery or Marsh Roots Seafood Co., there is also a $3 per gallon delivery fee.
Once your herdshare agreement is signed and your purchase into the herdshare is made, you will be charged $40 on the first of each month.
You can cancel at any time, and your monthly boarding fee will be prorated.
Waco, Texas 76705
Jersey and Brown Swiss cows raised on pasture and fed non-GMO, non-soy grain while milking. The dairy carries raw dairy products and pasture based meats. Products include: whole milk, low fat milk, cream, yogurt, and low fat yogurt. They also have pasture raised eggs and chicken along with grassfed beef. Hours: MonSat 8 am-8 pm. They take calls any time. See other places where you can find products from this farm.