Budapest 1024
Fény utca market in Buda Lövöház utca 12., II. district, at the back end of Mammut Shopping Mall, trams 4-6, M2 metro Moszkva tér stationOpen: Mon 6.30-17.00, Tue-Fri 06.00-18.00, 06.00-13.00 See other places where you can find products from this farm.
Certified organic raw cow milk. Ferme de Kerheu, 29510 BRIEC DE LµODET, 02 98 57 92 67. Their milk is even distributed by two local supermarkets: Inter Marché in Briec and Le Clerc in Quimper. See other places where you can find products from this farm.
Raw cow milk: 1.10'/liter; pastured beef, pigs and chicken, (10,50'/kg). All year long; sold Wednesday and Saturday at the round point of Intermarché. See other places where you can find products from this farm.
United Kingdom
Nationwide delivery of their own raw organic milk and other dairy produce.
1135 KV
Dutch cheese specialist, exporting Edam, Gouda, Maasdammer and other cheeses from Holland. Site gives the history of cheese market in Edam. See other places where you can find products from this farm.
Family company selling freshly cut Gouda cheese; will ship worldwide. They have also a large assortment of Dutch Farmhouse cheese. See other places where you can find products from this farm.
United Kingdom
Offers a nationwide delivery of raw organic milk.
His native tongue is Swedish but he speaks also Finnish when needed. His cows feed during the summer in a quiet pasture, far from noise and pollution. He feeds them without soy, giving them hay. See other places where you can find products from this farm.