Provides raw milk through a cowshare program, and farm fresh eggs. See other places where you can find products from this farm.
Delia, Kansas 66418-9604
Raw milk from Holsteins and Jerseys.
They raise Oberhasli and LaMancha dairy goats and have fresh milk and cheese (chevre and cheddar) available. See other places where you can find products from this farm.
Altoona, Kansas
Raw goat milk, raw Jersey cow milk, farm eggs and vegetables. See other places where you can find products from this farm.
Raw milk and cream available from two Brown Swiss cows, as well as Alpine goats.
Lawrence, Kansas 66046
Small family dairy farm just south of Lawrence, KS. Been farming in the Lawrence/Douglas County area since 1944.
Currently sell raw milk and cream.
Self-service and filling for your containers.
(You will need exact change for the self serve for the cash box or put more than total for credit towards your next purchase. This is for plastic jugs only.)
Currently accepting CASH, CHECKS, and VENMO
Milk Prices: $6.00 your container
$7.00 Supplier jugs
Cream: $7/pint
Sunday: Closed
Monday, Wednesday, and Thursday Closed or by appointment
Tuesday: 3:30-5p.m.
Friday & Saturday 9-11 a.m. or afternoon by appointment.
Sunday: Closed
Monday: 9:00-6:00
Tuesday: 9:00-6:00
Wednesday: 9:00-6:00
Thursday: 9:00-6:00
Friday: 9:00-6:00
Saturday: 9:00-3:00
For more information text or call
(785) 865-8274
Paola, Kansas 66071
Nubian goats and a Jersey cow on pasture, with some grain at milking. Raw cow milk will be offered from late May September; raw goat milk will be available from late April -September. Milking is done by machine. They are all fed a small amount of grain during milking. Call for pricing and to make arrangements for pick up. Also have raw feta cheese available. See other places where you can find products from this farm.
Udall, Kansas
Raw Ayrshire milk, artisan soaps, pork, eggs, ground beef, and poultry. See other places where you can find products from this farm.
Co-op picking up milk from Flint Rock Creamery in Cedar Point, Kansas, for co-op members who reside in Emporia, KS.
Wellsville, Kansas 66092
This regenerative, fourth generation dairy farm specializes in A2 raw milk.
Products include:
- A2 raw milk creamery
- Homemade ice cream
- Yogurt
- Sour cream
- Berkshire pork
- Dry aged beef
- Sourdough bread
- Local honey
Farmer's statement: "Hard work and love go into every single animal we raise. We take care of our girls and in turn they take care of us. The most important thing is what our animals eat! Our mama dairy cows rotate from paddock to paddock consuming all the varieties of new grass we seed. We supplement based on their nutritionist's advice.
"George Farms expands our customers' palates with other high-quality products like Berkshire/Mangalitsa/Mulefoot pork, prime choice beef, and free-range eggs. Our piggies mainly have an A2 milk-based diet. This enriches the meat throughout--it will melt in your mouth. Our beef cows primarily eat a grass-fed diet. They grew up on our A2 milk, which we found incorporates much like our pork if you start them early enough. Our chickens run wild on our 112-acre farm. They get a healthy diet of grass, bugs, sweet corn, flax and--you guessed it--A2 milk! Our eggs are known for high in Omega 3s. We have also partnered with neighboring farms to provide local raw honey and sourdough bread. Try out our farm store. A land blessed by the Lord himself."