Miles of
Type of location
Street Address
77 Dodge Road
Rowley, Massachusetts 01969
Phone Number

Herrick Farm is an Agri-Mark/Cabot Quality Award producer that will now be offering raw milk for sale in its year round farm store. They are offering half gallons from their Holstein herd.

Their year-round farm store is located at 77 Dodge Road, open Thursdays through Sundays 10-5.

Their seasonal vegetable stand on Rt. 133 (at the head of Dodge Road) is open 7 days a week from July through October and is located 2 miles from Route 95 Exit 78A East.


Type of location
Street Address
51 Fred Smith Rd
Westminster, Massachusetts 01473
Phone Number

Grass-based small dairy that takes pride in cow care and providing healthy, clean raw milk

Type of location
Farm Name
Street Address
121 Thompson St
Middleboro, Massachusetts 02346-1607
Phone Number

Raw milk from Holstein cows.
Available in plastic gallon and half gallon bottles.

Type of location
Street Address
155 Tuttle Road
Sterling, Massachusetts 01564
Phone Number

This farm has a micro-dairy of Ayrshire cows, and sells raw milk at their farm stand year-round. Cows have a 100% pasture-based diet, are fed hay in the wintertime, and are given a small amount of grain at milking time. The farmers never use hormones or antibiotics as part of general herd health.

Type of location
Street Address
59 Forget Rd
Hawley, Massachusetts 01339
Phone Number

This small family farm in Western Massachusetts sells Certified Organic, 100% grass fed milk, beef, and lamb. They also sell their own Certified Organic soy-free eggs, and wool products from the farm along with other local goods.

Type of location
Street Address
9 Middle Road
Chilmark, Massachusetts 2535
Phone Number

In season (May-October) their cow(s) are on organic pasture. They may get another cow if there is enough interest. See other places where you can find products from this farm.

Type of location
Street Address
102 Mill Valley Road
Hadley, Massachusetts 1035
Phone Number

Small herd of registered Brown Swiss cows provides fresh raw milk bottled daily. The cows are pastured year-round on a historical 400-acre farm. Supplemented with farm grown hay in winter and an organic, GMO-free mix which provides them minerals and nutrients. Farm store open every day and features raw milk, farm-raised Angus beef, their own Maple Valley ice cream, butter, eggs, cheese, local honey, and a variety of local products. Visitors welcome to meet the cows and tour the facility. See other places where you can find products from this farm.

Type of location
Street Address
342 North Plain Rd.
Massachusetts 01230
Phone Number
Their self-serve onsite farm store is open sunrise to sunset 7 days/week and stocks everything they produce- 100 percent grassfed beef, 100 percent grassfed milk, pastured eggs and chicken, pastured pork and select vegetables during the growing season. They feed their pigs and chickens organically. They also have offerings from local food producer friends including: Hosta Hill ferments, Barrington Coffee, Justamere Maple Syrup, Berle Farm Yogurt, The Sweetish Baker Granola, Monterey Chèvre and local honey.
Type of location
Farm Name
Street Address
505 Holtshire Road
Orange, Massachusetts 01364
Phone Number

They sell raw milk at their 24/7 farmstand from their small herd of mostly Jerseys.

Type of location
Street Address
Foxboro, Massachusetts
Phone Number

This 280-year old family farm is a licensed raw milk retailer selling grassfed, pasture-based raw milk year-round. No BST, antibiotics, or chemicals on the pasture. Holistic management. Milk tested monthly; results available online and at the farm. In the old barn, visitors can purchase cheese, eggs, grassfed beef, maple syrup, and homemade soap. Email for more info: