Saucier, Mississippi
Fresh or frozen raw goat milk available most of the year from CAE-free herd (tested annually) of Nubian goats. All milk must be picked up at farm. They also have geese and game chickens. Call ahead. See other places where you can find products from this farm.
Saucier, Mississippi 39574
Nubian goats, mixed chickens
Cedar Bluff, Mississippi 39741
Jersey herd share
Facebook: camelothills. They breed show and production quality Alpine and Nubian dairy goats. They produce their own feed and manage rotational pastures with controlled plantings alongside wild forage and browse. Maintenance of herd health is of utmost importance with minimal use of chemicals, however it is sometimes necessary. No milk is retained or sold from any doe that has been treated with any chemical. Fresh and frozen milk is available mostly year-round. Milk is sold by the gallon and can be sold by schedule. Bulk quantities available upon advance notice. Farm visits available and welcomed by appointment. They also manufacture goat milk soap and lotion to distribute to resellers. See other places where you can find products from this farm.
Bogue Chitto, Mississippi 39629
Herds are fed Chaffhaye made with non-GMO alfalfa, pesticide and herbicide free hay, pasture that is managed with permaculture principles and organic grain at milking. The are also offered a mineral bar with 22 individual minerals for them to choose from.
The cow herd is made up of Jersey cows. The small goat herd is made up of Lamancha, Alpine, Nigerian Dwarf, Mini Alpine and Mini Lamanchas. In addition to the above listed feed, the goat herd gets a guided tour through the forest, weather permitting, where they can choose what fresh greens they need in their diet that day.
The farm offers:
- Raw goat milk: Bring your own quart, half-gallon, or gallon jars to fill for a one-time purchase or sign up for a weekly pick up. Call them to schedule.
- Cow herdshares: Go to their website for more information and to get on the list. Invitations to join are sent out at the first of every month, and sign ups remain open for the first 7 days of each month. *** Openings available ***
Farmer's statement: "Our farm, located just south of Brookhaven, MS, focuses on regenerative and permaculture principles. Our methods work closely with nature to improve the health of the land, our animals, and ultimately ourselves. Give us a call to schedule your pick up and don't forget ask about what other farm products we have to offer. Let us help you take back your health, from the ground up."
They have raised dairy goats and provided raw milk since 1993. Their registered Saanens, Alpines, and Oberhaslis produce rich milk that is great for cheese making. Call for appointment and to order. Milk must be picked up at the farm, located off Hwy. 25. Soaps and lotions can be ordered online from the website. See other places where you can find products from this farm.
They raise a herd of purebred Nubians and sell fresh or frozen whole pasteurized milk. They also have brown and green eggs, California rabbits (live or dressed) and some Boer goats. See other places where you can find products from this farm.
Vicksburg, Mississippi 39180
Registered LaMancha, American Alpine, and Nubian goats grazed on a 12-acre farm. Fed a specialized locally mixed feed for dairy goats. Raw milk is sold year-round by the gallon. They have soap made from their milk always available. Milk only sold on farm. They have cheeses and other goat products often available. Please call for directions and a pickup time. See other places where you can find products from this farm.
Maben, Mississippi 39750
Seminary, Mississippi 39479
Raw goat milk available most of the year. Sold by the half gallon. Farm pick up only. Call or text for appointment.
They raise Nubian milk goats on their farm in South Mississippi. They make all natural goat milk soap and lotions. They also sell local raw honey, beeswax lip balm, and beeswax lotion.