Glen Wise, Pennsylvania
June 30, 2008FDA Avoids IAFP Symposium
February 20, 2009By Ruth Ann Foster
In January 2006, rumors began spreading that the North Carolina Department of Agriculture (NCDA) had plans to require dye in all raw milk sold for animal consumption. Commonly referred to as pet milk, it is presently the only legal means to purchase raw milk in North Carolina. Cow shares had been legal until 2004, when a law that banned them was surreptitiously slid into place at the end of the legislative session. While the dye rumor lurked, we began working with state legislators to reverse the cow share ban. Legislators were equally unaware of the NCDA’s ability to enact a “law” without due process. After countless Internet searches, I stumbled upon the web site of the North Carolina Office of Administrative Hearing (NCOAH) where I learned about the rule making process.
Each state has an Administrative Procedures Act, which grants state agencies like the NCDA, the authority to make rules. Completing the rule making process, rules become “law,” often without public knowledge. In North Carolina, ten letters of objection to a rule sent to the NCOAH during the process, will delay the rule and force it to the state legislature for review at their next session. A legislator must then introduce a bill to reverse the rule, which is known as a disapproval bill, or the rule will become effective at the end of session.
The first step to defeat this rule was to get our letters of objection to the Rule Review Commission at the NCOAH. The RRC staff and attorneys were a valuable source of information and helped guide us through the process. We learned that the Commission would review the rule to determine that NCDA had the authority to create the rule and followed the established guidelines. If these criteria were met, the Commission would vote to adopt the rule. Although the Commission voted in favor, our letters of objection successfully delayed the rule.
The next hurdle was to find a legislative sponsor for the disapproval bill. Representative Pricey Harrison was immediately supportive and introduced HB 2524 on May 26, 2008. She enlisted several co-sponsors who were equally supportive and vocal.
With HB 2524 in place, we began our lobbying campaign. Following the advice of WAPF attorney Pete Kennedy, we strictly maintained that HB 2524 was raw milk for animal consumption and did not confuse the issue with human consumption. Thanks to WAPF for sending out our Action Alerts to all North Carolina members. Advocates across the state were provided concise talking points, used when visiting or contacting their legislators. Action Alerts allowed us to carefully orchestrate which legislators to target and when.
The first hearing in the House Agriculture Committee was the most difficult. Thankfully, we had a large enthusiastic group of advocates in attendance. After the state epidemiologist, the NCDA director for food safety, and the dairy industry lobbyist presented arguments against raw milk for human consumption, Representative Harrison intervened by stating that HB 2524 was not intended for human consumption. HB 2524 passed out of the committee 16 to 3.
Recognizing the support the bill was gaining, the NCDA offered a compromise, which Representative Harrison skillfully negotiated. In exchange for labeling all pet milk containers, we were able to get unpasteurized milk exempted from the definition of commercial feed. This released pet milk producers from having to be licensed as commercial feed manufacturers under the NCDA.
Once the compromise was reached, the NCDA enlisted support of the state health officials. With full support, HB 2524 quickly passed through the House and then unanimously through the Senate. During our campaign, many legislators expressed interest in making raw milk available for human consumption, which is our goal for the next session.
This article appeared in the Fall 2008 edition of Wise Traditions, the quarterly journal of the Weston A. Price Foundation.
Ruth Ann Foster is the Weston A. Price Foundation local chapter leader for Greensboro, North Carolina.
For years I found raw goat’s milk to be very beneficial to my health and well-being. Since I cannot drink cow’s milk I would be most appreciative to be able to buy raw goat’s milk again. I do not feel I get the same benefit when I drink pasturized goat milk. If you need help getting a bill passed and want a signature, you can count on me!
I want to be able to buy lightly pasteurized, non-homogenized cow’s milk so that I can make my own cheeses and butter. NC makes it very difficult to do that. Hopefully, that will change soon.
Thanks for the suggestion. Please encourage the farmer to contact us if they would like to be listed. We don’t list farms even in comments unless it’s okay with them because this site brings a lot of attention some do not want.
Hello. I am from Western NC and have lived here my whole life. I grew up drinking fresh cow milk as did our ancestors from way back. I would love to have the freedom to buy it again. Currently I visit South Carolina an bring it back in coolers with ice. My son loves it and I feel its better for you than store bought milk. Please keep me posted on the rulings in NC.
There is currently a bill concerning raw milk in NC, H309, that has passed the House and now has to pass the Senate. Please contact your local representative and tell them that you would like to have the ability to purchase raw milk. The bill is to make herdshares legal in NC once again (it was legal until 2004).
September 6, 2016
Where can we purchase raw milk for our animals? We live in the Boone, Blowing Rock area. Thank you.
We are always adding listings to this site. Here is the page for North Carolina: If you don’t find something near you, check with the closest local chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation. Here are the NC chapters: