Should British Columbia Model Raw Milk Regulations on California?
October 20, 2014Raw Milk Taste Test: Does Raw Milk Really Taste Better Than Pasteurized Milk?
October 31, 2014Every Tuesday in the tiny town of Recluse, Wyoming, a milkman makes his rounds. He might not dress the part of the classic American milkman from days gone by, but he delivers fresh, raw milk in glass half-gallon jars to neighbors all across the area.
These neighbors are regular customers of his; each owns a share of a cow in his herd of 17 dairy cows. Wyoming allows the sale of raw milk only through herdshares, but this dairyman isn’t only in the business for the money:
“It’s great pleasure to see some of these kids, some of them are suffering from things like autism and things like that where the enzymes and the good proteins and the good nourishment in this milk is actually helping some of these kids. I’ve had people who are recovering from cancer start to drink this milk, and they’re actually gaining a little weight. Those kinds of things feel really good…It’s not about the money; it’s about providing good, wholesome food.”
Read more of his story Modern Milkman.
The Campaign for Real Milk is a project of the Weston A. Price Foundation, a nutrition education non-profit based in Washington, D.C. To learn more about raw milk and other nutrient dense foods, attend one of the upcoming Wise Traditions conferences.