Raw Milk Might Not Have Been Cause of Durand Football Team Falling Sick
January 16, 2015Durand High School Football Team Illness: A New Act in Raw Milk’s Morality Play
January 28, 2015When the Virginia General Assembly convenes on January 14, 2015, it will consider a constitutional amendment that would guarantee the right to buy homegrown food at the farms that produce it. The amendment states, “The people shall have the right to acquire for their own consumption farm-produced food directly at the farm with agreement from the farmer who produced it.”
“Right now, you have the right to purchase food of your choice – but regulations prevent the right (of farmers) to sell them. This amendment gives consumers standing in court,” explains Lois Smith, president of the Virginia Independent Consumers and Farmers Association.
This constitutional amendment is expected to garner support from several co-signers and a Senate sponsor. If it is approved, Virginia would be the first state to pass such an amendment.
The Campaign for Real Milk is a project of the Weston A. Price Foundation, a nutrition education non-profit based in Washington, D.C. Fan the Campaign for Real Milk on Facebook.
1 Comment
Hopefully this bill has passed. I would like to the status of this bill. Thank you.
Dale Occhiuto