In 2018 a study was published covering foodborne illness outbreaks in the U.S. related to raw milk consumption that were reported to the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) from 2005 to 2016; the study found, “The rate of unpasteurized milk associated outbreaks has been declining since 2010, despite increasing legal distribution. Controlling for growth in population and consumption, the outbreak rate has effectively decreased by 74% since 2005.” Since 2016 the number of illnesses has further declined in spite of increasing demand. Substantial credit for this development goes to two nonprofit organizations: the Raw Milk Institute (RAWMI, rawmilkinstitute.org) and the Farm-to-Consumer Foundation (FTCF, f2cfnd.org). RAWMI provides training and mentoring for farmers and has information on its website concerning best practices in the production of safe quality milk. FTCF has published books on raw milk production from both cows and goats as well as a consumer guide to safe handling. WAPF continues to work with these organizations and others towards the goal of universal access to safe, nutritious raw dairy products.