Raw Milk Producers Experiencing Difficulties Obtaining Liability Insurance
November 19, 2014WSJ Video: Raw Milk Vending Machines Gain Following in Europe
November 28, 2014Goat milk soft-serve ice cream, dulce de leche, and gin fizz cocktails all made from goat’s milk are popping up in high-end grocery stores and on the menus of trendy restaurants…could this be the beginning of a goat’s milk craze?
Yahoo Beauty says goat’s milk isn’t just for cheese. While goat’s milk has been a go-to alternative for those with lactose intolerance for years, “…it’s becoming a bigger phenomenon as people without those issues are increasingly curious about its health benefits – and its cool, culinary uses.”
Some point to Mediterranean cultures like Greece, where people on average live the longest, as proof of goat’s milk health benefits: the majority of people on the tiny Greek island of Ikaria drink a glass of goat’s milk with most meals.
One dairy owner believes goat’s milk is starting to catch on in the US in part because of Millennials and word-of-mouth marketing: “Our sales show that the younger generation is more adventurous and open to trying other types of dairy. A few people try it, realize that it’s delicious and easier to digest, and by word-of-mouth
The Campaign for Real Milk is a project of the Weston A. Price Foundation, a nutrition education non-profit based in Washington, D.C. Fan the Campaign for Real Milk on Facebook.
1 Comment
Love the goats’ milk!
I raise Oberhasli and Nigerian dairy goats in SC.