- Dlaczego Campaign for Real mleka? (Our basic brochure)
January 1, 2000The Milk Cure: Real Milk Cures Many Diseases
January 1, 2000While the Google Translate button at the top of the page allows one to see a rough, computer-generated translation of any page on the site, it’s no substitute for a careful translation by a native speaker.
We are very grateful for the people who have taken the time to translate the articles below!
If you translate one of our articles, please email it to webmaster@realmilk.com. Let us know what language it’s in and include a link to the original article in English, please, so we know which one it is!
- Our Real Milk FAQ translated by the wife of Andrew McMason (posted on their website)
- Pourquoi peut-on faire confiance aux fromages au lait cru
- La Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) ou maladie chronique débilitante du gros gibier par Maurice Raison (French article only; no English version available)
- Le crime contre le lait cru
- Intérêt pour la santé du lait cru provenant de vaches nourries à l’herbe
- Le Lait Cru
- Une campagne pour du vrai lait?
- 殺菌乳パスチャライズド・ミルクはいらない (Raw vs. Pasteurized Milk)
- Uma Campanha pelo “Real Milk” (Our basic PowerPoint presentation as PDF)