New England Lawmakers Submit Comments Against USDA’s Potential Restrictions on Raw Milk Cheeses
December 21, 2015Raw Milk Bill Officially Introduced in Wisconsin
December 28, 2015A new controversial Virginia bill, House Bill 1461, would allow state farmers to sell raw milk if they own three or less milking cows.
Currently, cow shares are legal in Virginia, but the change in regulations would help small, local dairies improve their businesses. The bill “Exempts persons who own three or fewer milking cows from the oversight of the Milk Commission and the Board of Agriculture and Consumer Services’ requirements governing the quality, grading, and sanitary standards for milk so long as the milk their cows produce is sold directly to consumers and contains a label stating that the product has not been inspected by the state.”
While some will fight against the bill in the name of public health, others, including many of the state’s small dairy farmers, will speak up against this attack on small farms and try to share accurate raw milk safety facts with their legislators and the public.
To learn more about raw milk and other nutrient dense foods, visit
I wonder if this would include goat milk sales?
Its like us here in northern B.C. we’re the small guys , not allowed to butcher our Bison on our place. yet to haul a long distance to an Abattoir is insane for these animals. so, they close us down. Our meat has NEVER been infected.
It all boils down to the big guys wanting it ALL.
Signs of the times? no say? Gov. ruling over us.
worth the fight if they have the agenda to take our #’s down anyway?
Keep up the good fight.
appreciate your site.
Amen to that, rich get richer and the poor poorer.
3 or Less Cows ? OMG that is a Joke! That’s enough for just a family themselves , not enough to sell.,
My Goodness,, so many restrictions and unlawful laws. I thought this was a Free Country.
I hope the writers included language allowing goat milk as well. Please don’t forget about the goat people in the Commonwealth. Twelve milking goats would be a good number.
What about raw goat milk? I’d much rather see a bill for “raw milk” period without naming a specific animal. My preference is for raw goat milk and I know numerous others who would like to be able to purchase raw goat milk instead of cow milk. Cow farmers are not the only “dairy” farmers around here you know.
What about goats? This is exciting!
Good luck to everyone involved, and hope we can return to the way things were before coporations started controlling real food.
The way it should be.
Free country my butt.Free to only buy what they say is fit for our consumption. Thanks but I’ll be the judge of that!!!
The Bill is called the ” Three Cow Exemption” and is HB 62. It is going before the Agriculture Sub Committee Meeting Monday 18 Jan which starts at 4.30pm at the General Assembly, Richmond. Please come if you can or call Del Barry Knight the Committee Chair 804 698 1081 to tell him you want access to milk direct from the farm.
Does anyone have an update on the bill being passed or not.
Thanks for your comment. This bill, from the 2015 legislative session, did not make it out of the Virginia House. For the latest on the legal status in Virginia, visit this page: