Food Rights at Stake in Minnesota
March 5, 2015West Virginia Senate Passes Bill That Would Legalize Herdsharing Agreements
March 13, 2015The Wyoming Food Freedom Act has passed the Senate Agriculture, State and Public Lands and Water Resources Committee and will move to the Senate floor for debate.
The Wyoming Food Freedom Act (House Bill 56) would deregulate certain homegrown foods to allow for farms to legally sell directly to the consumer. This would apply to sales at farmers markets and on the farm, for single transactions from the producer to “an informed end consumer.”
Those who spoke in favor of the bill cited the rights of individuals to make their own decisions about what kinds of foods they wish to buy for themselves and for their families. Others argued in favor of the bill because it would help local farmers increase their incomes and bolster the local economy. is a consumer education project of the Weston A. Price Foundation, a nutrition education nonprofit based in Washington, D.C. Visit their website,
1 Comment
When can we get a bill like this in SC?