Despite difficulty passing measures by the Maine State Legislature to legalize raw milk and the highly publicized loss of farmer Dan Brown’s case in the Maine […]
The Wyoming House of Representatives is preparing to deliver a final vote on House Bill 56, the “Wyoming Food Freedom Act,” which would legalize the sales […]
When the Virginia General Assembly convenes on January 14, 2015, it will consider a constitutional amendment that would guarantee the right to buy homegrown food at […]
In 2010, Oldways Preservation and Trust joined forces with the American Cheese Society, the Cheese Importers Association of America and Whole Foods to create the Cheese […]
Economic Loss to Maryland from Prohibition of Raw Milk Sales Population of Maryland 5,700,000 Percentage of raw milk drinkers in Maryland = 3% according to 2007 […]
An article on Huffington Post posits that dairy farms could replace prisons as sources of employment in rural areas around the United States. In New York, […]
Many raw milk producers in states including Wisconsin, Washington, and Missouri are experiencing difficulties obtaining liability insurance from their insurers. According to Food Safety News, in […]
Mark McAffee, a California raw milk entrepreneur and the CEO of the Raw Milk Institute, toured British Columbia last month for speaking engagements and on-farm training […]